The ACHCA Membership Recruitment Challenge: Why It's Important
Greetings, ACHCA colleagues!
I sincerely hope your summer has been an enjoyable time for you and your communities; it seems like just yesterday that we were gathering in Orlando for the ACHCA Convocation! Although roughly four months have elapsed since that time, much has been happening with your association.
ACHCA President and CEO, Bill McGinley and your staff have been very busy with planning, not only for Convocation 2019 in Louisville but also in support of you and your expressed needs!
As part of the responses received from our member engagement survey in March, we are developing a full array of educational webinars on topics of interest and importance to our profession. Eventually, we plan on having a different webinar each month, complimentary for ACHCA members! These benefits are in addition to the quality leadership education you enjoy at both your district and national meetings. Also, we have a vast array of Affinity programs available to ACHCA members; make sure to log in and review these members-only benefits!
We are working diligently to be even more responsive, more representative and more local to you and your needs, and I’m pleased with the progress thus far. However, we need to continue to grow and thrive if we’re going to be successful in living our mission to be the catalyst for excellence in post-acute and aging service leadership. Our immediate past chair Steve Fromm is fond of saying “each one, reach one,” and that’s what the Chair’s Membership Recruitment Challenge is all about.
The membership recruitment program has two components, one for the Board of Directors, and the other for members. The membership recruitment challenge began on April 24, 2018, at the end of Convocation 2018, and will end at 5 pm ET on Friday, March 15, 2019, before the start of the 2019 Annual Convocation in Louisville, Kentucky. The Board member and member who recruits the most members from April 24, 2018, to March 15, 2019, will win a Convocation registration voucher to be used for Convocation 2019 OR 2020. You must be present in Louisville to win. *The recruitment challenge ONLY APPLIES to new joins.
As I mentioned in Orlando, as an association, we have sailed through some choppy waters over the past couple of years, and we are now at full sail as we head into the future. Your feedback, membership, and support are what supplies the wind in ACHCA’s sails, and I challenge EACH of you to stay and become engaged with YOUR association, taking advantage of the growing list of benefits of membership, and most of all, telling others about ACHCA! Let them know the College is here for all post-acute leaders, and our profession will grow stronger as we grow ACHCA!
Robert Lane, CNHA, FACHCA, ACHCA Board of Directors ChairImportant Requirements
The member MUST BE PRESENT at Convocation 2019 to win. If your name is not listed in the field, "How were you referred to ACHCA?" you will not receive referral credit. Registration is open for Convocation 2019! Advance deadline ends February 8, 2019.