Since January of this year, much has happened here at ACHCA!
One of the most exciting things has been the migration to a new Association Management System (AMS) that deepens the connection between members, automates many services, and provides easy access to information using one entry point: the New Member Portal.
Within our new member portal, you can connect to other members, start and join Circles, participate in discussions in the Peer 2 Peer Forum, and use the built in social media functions that are similar to Facebook and Google+ Circles. Additionally, you can update your member record as needed and it will immediately be updated in the database.
If you haven't had the chance to check out all the new tools available exclusively to ACHCA members, I encourage you to take a few minutes and see all that is offered through our Member Portal.
ACHCA is here to provide you the networking opportunities, education, and resources you need to continue your professional development. We are the home and the voice of the long term care professional -- log in, check out what's new, and let us know how else we can help.
Cecilia Sepp, CAE
President & CEO
hello everyone my name is Abiola Amore i am seeking AIT program and will appreciate any help i can get to direct me to the right path. I live in ATL, any help will be appreciated. thanks